Because he sees the Source and its workings in everything, Sensei encourages us to do the same. By the end of the book you will find yourself looking at say, the flame of a matchstick with new appreciation and meaning. Because no one really knows what the Source looks like, Sensei's artwork and photographs are included to underline and enhance certain key concepts. This means that the book is very direct and can reach you on a deeper level surprisingly quickly. The photographs are not additions to make the book look better, rather they are an integral part of the fabric of the text, weaving...
Because he sees the Source and its workings in everything, Sensei encourages us to do the same. By the end of the book you will find yourself looking ...
This book completes the trilogy by Wasyl Kolesnikov and Guy Gardner, which began with Return To The Source. Next came Transformation- A Spiritual Journey Into Yourself. With Point of Consciousness - Extension Of Creation the theme is a 'doing' book, with practical Ki exercises, Tai Chi and meditations. The idea of this last book is continued development not just of health, but of the mind-body-spirit to work as a whole unit: a whole being. There is no limit to what you can achieve, and this book will help take you on a path to new levels.
This book completes the trilogy by Wasyl Kolesnikov and Guy Gardner, which began with Return To The Source. Next came Transformation- A Spiritual Jour...