Ever wonder what it would be like to be a billionaire? Actually they're not much different from you and me. Instead of waking up and heading off to a 9 to 5 job, Hank heads off to his study where he resides much of the morning working on ways to help others in need of a little financial assistance. In doing so, he finds himself on the receiving end, sharing in the lives of others describing the impact a single dollar has had on their lives.
Ever wonder what it would be like to be a billionaire? Actually they're not much different from you and me. Instead of waking up and heading off to a ...
Entre filles est un programme contre les pr jug s compose de huit s ances l'intention des adolescentes g n ralement g es entre 13 et 16 ans qui n'ont pas de diagnostic de d pression ni ne suivent un traitement pour cette affection. Il a pour but de pr venir la d pression chez les jeunes femmes et de les renseigner ce sujet. On y traite de la d pression, du stress, de l'image corporelle, des pr jug s, des relations interpersonnelles et de l'estime de soi.
Entre filles est un programme contre les pr jug s compose de huit s ances l'intention des adolescentes g n ralement g es entre 13 et 16 ans qui n'ont ...
Get a unique perspective on the female biracial experience Biracial Women in Therapy: Between the Rock of Gender and the Hard Place of Race examines how physical appearance, cultural knowledge, and cultural stereotypes affect the experience of mixed-race women in belonging to, and being accepted within, their cultures. This unique book combines empirical research, theoretical papers, and first-person narrative to address issues relevant to providing therapy to biracial women and girls, helping therapists and counselors develop a treatment framework based on sociocultural factors....
Get a unique perspective on the female biracial experience Biracial Women in Therapy: Between the Rock of Gender and the Hard Place of Race exam...