With vastly increased complexity and functionality in the "nanometer era" (i.e. hundreds of millions of transistors on one chip), increasing the performance of integrated circuits has become a challenging task. Connecting effectively (interconnect design) all of these chip elements has become the greatest determining factor in overall performance. 3-D integrated circuit design may offer the best solutions in the near future. This is the first book on 3-D integrated circuit design, covering all of the technological and design aspects of this emerging design paradigm, while proposing...
With vastly increased complexity and functionality in the "nanometer era" (i.e. hundreds of millions of transistors on one chip), increasing the perfo...
Vasilis F. Pavlidis Ioannis Savidis Eby G. Friedman
Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Design, Second Eition, expands the original with more than twice as much new content, adding the latest developments in circuit models, temperature considerations, power management, memory issues, and heterogeneous integration. 3-D IC experts Pavlidis, Savidis, and Friedman cover the full product development cycle throughout the book, emphasizing not only physical design, but also algorithms and system-level considerations to increase speed while conserving energy. A handy, comprehensive reference or a practical design guide, this book provides...
Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Design, Second Eition, expands the original with more than twice as much new content, adding the lates...