Nicholas Sayers, needing money for college, takes a job as assistant to infamous photographer Damian Wolfe. Its just taking pictures, right? Wrong. While Nick has never questioned what kind of man he is or what he truly wants in life, working for Damian during a BDSM photo shoot opens his eyes to all sorts of sexual possibilities, and many of them include the handsome Mr. Wolfe.
Damian has serious doubts about getting involved with a younger man who knows nothing about the BDSM lifestyle, but Nicks adventurous and humorous approach to new experiences is far too alluring to resist. Although...
Nicholas Sayers, needing money for college, takes a job as assistant to infamous photographer Damian Wolfe. Its just taking pictures, right? Wrong. Wh...
Stodgy British archivist Henry Percival-Smythe slaves away in the dusty basement of Ealing College in 1934, the only bright spot in his life his obsession with a strange Australian mammal, the thylacine. It has been hunted to the edge of extinction, and Henry would love nothing more than to help the rare creature survive. Then a human whirlwind spins through his door. Jack "Dingo" Chambers is also on the hunt for the so-called "Tasmanian Tiger," although his reasons are far more altruistic. Banding together, Dingo and the newly nicknamed Dash travel halfwaytd around the globe in their quest...
Stodgy British archivist Henry Percival-Smythe slaves away in the dusty basement of Ealing College in 1934, the only bright spot in his life his obses...
Meet Grey Randall, a hard-boiled detective whose sense of humor makes it hard for him to stay strictly noir. It's 1948 in Las Vegas-the newborn Sin City-and he's just landed his first murder case. He's more at ease among the lowlifes, but his new client, a beautiful, wealthy woman, a real femme fatale, moves in the upper crust of society. Grey's hot on the trail of a killer, despite obstructive cops who don't want a private dick sniffing around and digging up secrets. And he starts getting close to the truth, but one of his suspects, Phillip Martin, AKA Mr. Big-AKA Mr. Beautiful-proves to be...
Meet Grey Randall, a hard-boiled detective whose sense of humor makes it hard for him to stay strictly noir. It's 1948 in Las Vegas-the newborn Sin Ci...
When Princess Lan xiu s brother delivers her under duress into General Hui Wei s harem as a political offering, her only question is how soon her secret will be discovered. She is under no illusions: when the general discovers she is actually a he, death is his only future though he doesn t plan to make it easy. Lan xiu has dressed as a woman all his life, but he is no damsel in distress. He can swing a sword with the best of them.
General Hui Wei has everything a man could want: power, wealth, success on the battlefield, and a harem of concubines. At first, he regards Lan xiu with...
When Princess Lan xiu s brother delivers her under duress into General Hui Wei s harem as a political offering, her only question is how soon her s...
Welcome to The Cage, where you can share the ups and downs of a group of friends as they enjoy a rollicking adventure of sex and love in “the life.”
Being a Dom has always come naturally to Lazar Thornton, owner and operator of The Cage, a thriving adult toy store and meeting place for Lazar’s closest friends, Bran, Max, Otto, and the always flamboyant and fierce Miss Dré. But even the best of friends have different tastes in scenes—and in life.
Good-humored and laid back, but much in demand as both teacher and Dom, Lazar has always run from love. Until Ben Owen,...
Welcome to The Cage, where you can share the ups and downs of a group of friends as they enjoy a rollicking adventure of sex and love in “the lif...
Nicolas Sayers, ayant besoin d'argent pour l'universitE, prend un emploi comme assistant de l'infAme photographe Damian Wolfe. Il s'agit juste prendre des photos, pas vrai ? Faux. Alors que Nick n'a jamais remis en cause le genre d'homme qu'il est ou ce qu'il veut vraiment dans la vie, travailler pour Damian lors d'une sEance photo sur le thEme du BDSM lui ouvre les yeux sur toutes sortes de possibilitEs sexuelles, et beaucoup d'entre elles incluent le beau M. Wolfe.
Damian a de sErieux doutes quant A s'impliquer avec un homme plus jeune qui ne connaIt rien sur le mode de vie BDSM,...
Nicolas Sayers, ayant besoin d'argent pour l'universitE, prend un emploi comme assistant de l'infAme photographe Damian Wolfe. Il s'agit juste pren...
Cody Grainger et Johnny Arrow se sont rencontrEs dans l'arEne, mais le lien qui les unit va bien au-delA de la simple confiance professionnelle. PassionnEment amoureux l'un de l'autre, ils doivent faire face A la discrEtion que leur impose le milieu macho du bull riding, et au danger constant de leur mEtier. Les obstacles semblent se multiplier entre eux et leur relation est mise A rude Epreuve.
Le plus gros obstacle ? Leur diffErence d'Age, dix ans les sEparent. Cody n'a qu'une idEe en tEte, gagner les championnats du monde de bull riding avant la retraite. FrustrE par son...
Cody Grainger et Johnny Arrow se sont rencontrEs dans l'arEne, mais le lien qui les unit va bien au-delA de la simple confiance professionnelle. Pa...
Nicholas Sayers ha bisogno di denaro per poter frequentare gli studi e si fa assumere come assistente da un famoso fotografo, Damian Wolfe. Deve solo aiutarlo a fare fotografie, giusto? Sbagliato. Nick non si e mai fatto domande su se stesso, su che tipo di uomo possa essere e cosa voglia veramente nella sua vita, ma lavorare per Damian durante scatti di foto BDSM gli apre gli occhi su ogni sorta di possibili esperienze sessuali e molte di queste includono il bellissimo Damian Wolfe. Damian ha dei seri dubbi nel lasciarsi coinvolgere in una storia con un giovane che non conosce niente di cio...
Nicholas Sayers ha bisogno di denaro per poter frequentare gli studi e si fa assumere come assistente da un famoso fotografo, Damian Wolfe. Deve solo ...