A modern day New York Mother is called upon to battle an evil Queen from centuries past and to open the time gates to Camelot where she must heal Merlin, raise Arthur from the dead and prepare him to journey back to Rome in search of the titulus of Christ.
A modern day New York Mother is called upon to battle an evil Queen from centuries past and to open the time gates to Camelot where she must heal Merl...
My life feels like a MOVIE!! And know, just KNOW this is God's doing. I could never have planned this. I hope everyone reading the pages of this book, will pause and look at their own life and see the "movie" that is playing, the stories that they are living. And just as in my story of "Tippy" my prayer is that the creator breathe a new breath of life into those in need of it. I Hope you enjoy my stories!!!
My life feels like a MOVIE!! And know, just KNOW this is God's doing. I could never have planned this. I hope everyone reading the pages of this book,...