"Stunning pictures and engaging words. . . . An accomplished entree to early science topics." -- Booklist (starred review)
Dive into the warm ocean and swim around amid the coral and waving sea grass. Do you see an eye like a small black bead peering out at you? Linger for a while and discover the secrets of the sea horse - one of the shyest fish in the sea. With a head like a horse, a tail like a monkey, and a pouch like a kangaroo, the sea horse acts like a chameleon, changing color to ward off danger or to show that he and his mate are a lifelong pair. Watch their fascinating...
"Stunning pictures and engaging words. . . . An accomplished entree to early science topics." -- Booklist (starred review)
This book is the second offour volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series which treat the systematics and biology of Coleoptera. With approximately 350,000 described species, Coleoptera are by far the most species-rich order of insects and the largest group of animals of comparable geological age. The beetle volumes will meet the demand of modern biologists seeking to answer questions about Coleoptera phylogeny, evolution, and ecology. This second Coleoptera volume covers the remaining polyphagan taxa (apart from Phytophaga) and recently described groups not included in the first volume...
This book is the second offour volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series which treat the systematics and biology of Coleoptera. With approximately 350...