SUZANNE MAJHANOVICH and CHRISTINE FOX Originally published in the journal International Review of Education, Volume 54, Nos 3 4, 287 297. DOI: 10. 1007/s11159-008-9097-9 Springer Science+Business Media B. V. 2008 The papers in this collection have been selected from over 800 presentations given at the XIIIth World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, held at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 3 to 7 September 2007. The Congress was hosted on behalf of the WCCES by the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education and in association with the International...
SUZANNE MAJHANOVICH and CHRISTINE FOX Originally published in the journal International Review of Education, Volume 54, Nos 3 4, 287 297. DOI: 10. 100...
This volume was commissioned by the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, in memory of their Past President, David N. Wilson, who died on December 8, 2006. Professor Wilson was also President of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada, the Comparative and International Education Society (US) and the International Society for Educational Planning. A call for papers was sent out to his colleagues worldwide, and many of his colleagues, friends and former students contributed chapters to this book.
David N. Wilson was educated at Syracuse University as an...
This volume was commissioned by the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, in memory of their Past President, David N. Wilson, who died on ...
This volume was commissioned by the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, in memory of their Past President, David N. Wilson, who died on December 8, 2006. Professor Wilson was also President of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada, the Comparative and International Education Society (US) and the International Society for Educational Planning. A call for papers was sent out to his colleagues worldwide, and many of his colleagues, friends and former students contributed chapters to this book.
David N. Wilson was educated at Syracuse University as an...
This volume was commissioned by the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, in memory of their Past President, David N. Wilson, who died on ...
A major aim of Comparative and Global Pedagogies: Equity, Access and Democracy in Education which is the second volume in the 12-volume book series Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, edited by Joseph Zajda and his team, is to present a global overview of recent trends in equity and access in education globally. By examining some of the major education policy issues, particularly in the light of recent shifts in education and policy research dealing with equity and access, the editors aim to provide a comprehensive picture of the intersecting and diverse discourses of...
A major aim of Comparative and Global Pedagogies: Equity, Access and Democracy in Education which is the second volume in the 12-volume book series Gl...
In recent times, the world has experienced the shifting and realignment of political, ideological and geographic borders everywhere. The emergence of new nation states alongside the growth of multinational economic unions, mobility and displacement of populations and products has changed the face of educational systems and theories. In the context of globalisation, the concepts of bordering and re-bordering invite us to contemplate the sometimes contradictory image of the state in its responsibilities to civil society while seeking its place in the global market. The effects of bordering...
In recent times, the world has experienced the shifting and realignment of political, ideological and geographic borders everywhere. The emergence ...
This volume is a collection of research cases illustrating the interrelationships among education, dominance and identity in historical- and contemporary contexts. The cases reflect particular ways in which local-, group, and indigenous identities have been affected by a dominant discourse, how education can support or undermine identity, and how languages (including dominant and sub-dominant languages) and the language of instruction in schools are at the centre of challenges to hegemony and domination in many situations. Examining the issues in their research, the contributors reveal how...
This volume is a collection of research cases illustrating the interrelationships among education, dominance and identity in historical- and contempor...
This volume is a collection of research cases illustrating the interrelationships among education, dominance and identity in historical- and contemporary contexts. The cases reflect particular ways in which local-, group, and indigenous identities have been affected by a dominant discourse, how education can support or undermine identity, and how languages (including dominant and sub-dominant languages) and the language of instruction in schools are at the centre of challenges to hegemony and domination in many situations. Examining the issues in their research, the contributors reveal how...
This volume is a collection of research cases illustrating the interrelationships among education, dominance and identity in historical- and contempor...
In recent times, the world has experienced the shifting and realignment of political, ideological and geographic borders everywhere. The emergence of new nation states alongside the growth of multinational economic unions, mobility and displacement of populations and products has changed the face of educational systems and theories. In the context of globalisation, the concepts of bordering and re-bordering invite us to contemplate the sometimes contradictory image of the state in its responsibilities to civil society while seeking its place in the global market. The effects of bordering...
In recent times, the world has experienced the shifting and realignment of political, ideological and geographic borders everywhere. The emergence ...