Cosa mangia l America nell era moderna? Probabilmente molte delle cose che mangeremo anche noi nel prossimo futuro.
Ormai la dinamica dei flussi e chiara: l hamburger e la Coca Cola sono solo i simboli di un modello di consumo che, con diverse sfaccettature, ha definitivamente contaminato la nostra cultura del cibo. Se per noi gli spaghetti sono intoccabili e la pizza continua a essere il piu gettonato tra i fast food, e comunque vero che le giovani generazioni sentono irresistibile il richiamo del cibo made in USA. All insegna dell intercultura e del mercato...
Cosa mangia l America nell era moderna? Probabilmente molte delle cose che mangeremo anche noi nel prossimo futuro.
Food Bites is an easy-to-read, often humorous book on the scientific basis of the foods we eat, and answers those pesky, niggling questions such as: Is the quality of beer really affected by the type of water used? and Processed foods: good or bad? Readers will be captivated by this superbly written book, especially so as their guides are Richard Hartel, professor of Food Engineering at UW-Madison, and his daughter, AnnaKate Hartel. Professor Hartel has for the last four years penned a witty and illuminating column on all aspects of food science for the Capital Times of Madison, and his...
Food Bites is an easy-to-read, often humorous book on the scientific basis of the foods we eat, and answers those pesky, niggling questions such as: I...
This delicious new book reveals the fascinating science behind some of our favorite candies. If you've ever wondered how candy corn is made or whether Baby Ruth bars really float, as in the movie Caddy shack, then this engaging collection of food for thought is guaranteed to satisfy your hunger for knowledge. As well as delving into candy facts and myths such as the so-called 'sugar high' and the long history of making sweetmeats, the authors explore the chemistry of a candy store full of famous treats, from Tootsie Rolls to Pixy Styx and from Jawbreakers to Jordan Almonds. They reveal...
This delicious new book reveals the fascinating science behind some of our favorite candies. If you've ever wondered how candy corn is made or whet...