Biomedical scientists are the most likely health care professionals to actually move to an English-speaking country to continue professional training and career-development. This book should help to apply for jobs, write resumes, face job interviews and settle into a new working environment in English. The practical approach of the units will boost the readers' self-confidence in their own English-capabilities. This book should help reducing the anticipated stress of having to learn important matters directly "on the job," and secure more efficient and productive communication from the...
Biomedical scientists are the most likely health care professionals to actually move to an English-speaking country to continue professional traini...
After the publication of Learning Diagnostic Imaging, which was an introductory teaching ? le to the ten radiological subspecialties included in the American Boards of Radiology, we began to write a series of teaching ? les on each radiological subspecialty. If the ? rst book of the series was mainly aimed at residents and provided them with an introductory tool to the study of radiology, the subsequent volumes of the series try to provide the reader with an introduction to the study of each radiological subspecialty. In Learning Cardiac Imaging, we intend to review cardiac imaging from the...
After the publication of Learning Diagnostic Imaging, which was an introductory teaching ? le to the ten radiological subspecialties included in the A...
Inglese per medici si propone come strumento pratico ed efficace per il medico che desideri perfezionare le proprie competenze linguistiche e affrontare, quindi, con maggiore disinvoltura, le diverse realta del mondo medico internazionale.
Ricco di interessanti approfondimenti, il volume affronta i diversi aspetti e le molteplici applicazioni dell'inglese medico.
Il libro sara un valido supporto per tutti gli operatori sanitari che necessitino della lingua inglese per la loro professione.
Inglese per medici si propone come strumento pratico ed efficace per il medico che desideri perfezionare le proprie competenze linguistiche e affro...
Il ruolo che la diagnostica per immagini riveste nella pratica clinica quotidiana e di giorno in giorno sempre piu rilevante: il moderno radiologo deve possedere un'approfondita conoscenza della clinica e dell'anatomia patologica e la capacita di correlazione con i reperti radiologici, al fine di poter cogliere anche i minimi segni e reperti rilevabili.
Inoltre, la vastita delle attuali conoscenze richiede non solo una preparazione radiologica generica, ma anche e sempre piu approfondimenti sub-specialistici: cio conduce alla formazione di radiologi d'apparato e in alcuni casi...
Il ruolo che la diagnostica per immagini riveste nella pratica clinica quotidiana e di giorno in giorno sempre piu rilevante: il moderno radiologo ...
Musculoskeletal (MSK) radiology is a radiological subspecialty that has expanded its knowledge base and imaging capabilities with the advent of MRI, multi/detector CT, ult- sound, and PET. Prior to the advent of MRI, MSK radiologists used plain flm X-rays and arthrograms as their primary tools. The subspecialty has progressed from primary im- ing of osseous structures and indirect imaging of joint spaces, to direct imaging of soft tissue structures with direct visualization and fne defnition of MSK structures. A specialized MSK radiologist requires a sound knowledge of anatomy, pathophysi-...
Musculoskeletal (MSK) radiology is a radiological subspecialty that has expanded its knowledge base and imaging capabilities with the advent of MRI, m...