The International Workshop on Embedded Systems - Modeling, Techn- ogy, and Applications is the seventh in a successful series of workshops that were established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Technische Universitat Berlin. The goal of those workshops is to bring together - searchers from both universities in order to present research results to an international community. The series of workshops started in 1990 with the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and was continued with the International Wo- shop on Advanced Software Technology in 1994. Both workshops have been...
The International Workshop on Embedded Systems - Modeling, Techn- ogy, and Applications is the seventh in a successful series of workshops that were e...
Die Informatik befindet sich im Umbruch: Aufgrund des Wegfalls bisheriger technischer Barrieren erschlie~en sich Anwendungsgebiete in gro~em Stil. Sie wird damit noch mehr als bisher zum Hoffnungstrager fiir Innovationen in den unterschiedlichsten Fachgebieten und Markten. Dies erfordert neben einer Analyse der neuen technologischen Gege- benheiten das Erarbeiten der nunmehr moglichen und notwendigen Per- spektiven der Informatik in den verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen. Informatik-Anwendungen im Verwaltungs-und Produktionsbereich bilden deshalb den Tagungsschwerpunkt der GI-Jahrestagung...
Die Informatik befindet sich im Umbruch: Aufgrund des Wegfalls bisheriger technischer Barrieren erschlie~en sich Anwendungsgebiete in gro~em Stil. Sie...
This work presents the research results of students of the Graduiertenkolleg Communication-Based Systems to an international community. To stimulate the scientific discussion, experts have been invited to give their views on the following research areas: formal specification and mathematical foundations of distributed systems using process algebra, graph transformations, process calculi and temporal logics; performance evaluation, dependability modelling and analysis of real-time systems with different kinds of timed Petri-nets; specification and analysis of communication protocols;...
This work presents the research results of students of the Graduiertenkolleg Communication-Based Systems to an international community. To stimulate t...