The text is a translation done into English for use in the Brigittine monastery of Syon by the priest Richard Whitford fl. 1495-1555?], the "wretche of Syon," as he often signed himself, a well known translator and compiler of devotional texts in the vernacular. It was printed by de Worde {STC 17532] "for the edifacacyon of certayn religyous persones vnlerned, that dayly dyd rede the same martiloge in latyn, not vnderstandynge what they redde." The English text follows in essence the text represented by the Latin Syon martyrology, London, British Library, Adiditional MS 22285, but from a...
The text is a translation done into English for use in the Brigittine monastery of Syon by the priest Richard Whitford fl. 1495-1555?], the "wretche ...