Look at your hands. Whatever you want to know about yourself is written there--even your DNA and genetic code. Believe it or not, the lines you see reveal your life, from the moment of your birth until the time you pass from it. They tell the story of your past, present, and future, demonstrating character traits, natural inclinations, and abilities. They whisper about how you have developed your life; and the way you read them can lead to predictions of future endeavors. Can the shape of your hand tell you whether you are meant to be prosperous? What can your thumb tell you about your common...
Look at your hands. Whatever you want to know about yourself is written there--even your DNA and genetic code. Believe it or not, the lines you see re...
Research the numbers of your life! Add together the numbers of your birth date, then take your destiny and life path in hand. Discover your past, present, and future, as well as the challenges of life and its sweet rewards. Compare your numbers for love and lifelong happiness. Does he love you? Is she right for you? Look at your telephone number, your house number, or your business name to unlock their intriguing messages. Learn about your name, your life path, karma, energy patterns, compatibility, your personal and law cycles. Explore the lives of two people to learn the step-by-step...
Research the numbers of your life! Add together the numbers of your birth date, then take your destiny and life path in hand. Discover your past, pres...