Each of us, waking in the morning, has to open the world we have woken into. We have to endow meaning to people, objects and tasks, have to secure a place in the chaos of time passing. When opening their eyes during the palpable reality of a dream, a person will dream beyond the dream, will carry over meanings and experiences from one sphere to another. The author of these collected essays puts various strategies under the microscope which we deploy to make the world material, analyzing the mythical structures we use for this purpose interpreting anew their changing guise in the contemporary....
Each of us, waking in the morning, has to open the world we have woken into. We have to endow meaning to people, objects and tasks, have to secure a p...
La formulation laconique du titre de cet ouvrage vehicule deux premisses importantes fournissant le cadre ou un point de depart de lecture. La premiere procede de la conviction que la nature de l homme, ou plutot la facon d etre, se forge a travers l interaction constante avec tout un ensemble de conditions, la condition politique n en etant pas des moindres. La deuxieme prend comme point de depart les questions suivantes: Quels sont les traits et les attributs indispensables pour qu un etre humain soit un etre humain democratique ? Peut-on penser certains des invariants d une telle...
La formulation laconique du titre de cet ouvrage vehicule deux premisses importantes fournissant le cadre ou un point de depart de lecture. La premier...