Are you sick of the bla, bla and want more RA!RA? Do you feel like life is lighting a fire beneath you instead of within you? This little pocket book will teach you all about the RA!RA! Regimen, share with you some funny RA-isms and help you deal with the dark side of life. After reading this book you will feel like your pocket book is loaded with a way to handle the bla, bla and the drainos in your life.
Are you sick of the bla, bla and want more RA!RA? Do you feel like life is lighting a fire beneath you instead of within you? This little pocket book ...
Remember the poems we used to read at school? 'This is the Night Mail crossing the border, bringing the cheque and the postal order.' 'Half a league, half a league, half a league onward. All in the valley of death rode the six hundred.' There were fun poems like 'The Owl and the Pussycat' and Edward Lear's limericks. There were stories like 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin.' There was stirring stuff: 'Tyger tiger burning bright' and silly stuff like 'Jabberwocky.' not forgetting inspirational poems like Kipling's 'If.' We thrilled to them, read them over and...
Remember the poems we used to read at school? 'This is the Night Mail crossing the border, bringing the cheque and the postal order.' 'Half a league, ...