In April of 2000, seventh-grader Kevin Triplett learns he has osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Kevin fights a courageous battle, and his father, Wayne, does everything within his power to help his son win the greatest fight of his young life.
Kevin battles his disease valiantly, submitting himself to many cutting-edge, newly discovered therapies. He keeps his spirits high during his treatments, learns to play the guitar, and even forms a Christian rock band. Most importantly, his faith in Jesus Christ carries him through his journey, which ends in 2006.
Kevin touches many...
In April of 2000, seventh-grader Kevin Triplett learns he has osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Kevin fights a courageous battle, and his fath...
When a child dies-even an adult child- bereaved parents are left with a "stomachache that never ends." No parent expects to make their child's funeral arrangements. The death of a child is a loss only those who have lived through it can fully comprehend. A grieving parent wonders if the sun will ever show its face again. After Wayne Triplett lost his son, he set out to write the book he most needed-one that would offer solace, support, and inspiration. Telling his story and the stories of other bereaved parents-he discovered that grief never ends, but that if we open up to it, it can...
When a child dies-even an adult child- bereaved parents are left with a "stomachache that never ends." No parent expects to make their child's funeral...
When a child dies-even an adult child- bereaved parents are left with a "stomachache that never ends." No parent expects to make their child's funeral arrangements. The death of a child is a loss only those who have lived through it can fully comprehend. A grieving parent wonders if the sun will ever show its face again. After Wayne Triplett lost his son, he set out to write the book he most needed-one that would offer solace, support, and inspiration. Telling his story and the stories of other bereaved parents-he discovered that grief never ends, but that if we open up to it, it can...
When a child dies-even an adult child- bereaved parents are left with a "stomachache that never ends." No parent expects to make their child's funeral...