"Just a Book" is a delightful set of mystical, magical short stories that will capture your imagination as you are transported to exotic worlds far, far away. Be prepared for your heart to take flight as you follow the adventures of each memorable character in this unusual collection of seven remarkable tales.
True romantics everywhere will discover just a tiny bit of themselves in normal, everyday Abigail, the heroine in the title story of "Just a Book." Abigail longs to become a famous writer, yet her inspiration only comes during sleep, when a warrior hero and his priestess love play...
"Just a Book" is a delightful set of mystical, magical short stories that will capture your imagination as you are transported to exotic worlds far, f...
"Just a Book" is a delightful set of mystical, magical short stories that will capture your imagination as you are transported to exotic worlds far, far away. Be prepared for your heart to take flight as you follow the adventures of each memorable character in this unusual collection of seven remarkable tales.
True romantics everywhere will discover just a tiny bit of themselves in normal, everyday Abigail, the heroine in the title story of "Just a Book." Abigail longs to become a famous writer, yet her inspiration only comes during sleep, when a warrior hero and his priestess love play...
"Just a Book" is a delightful set of mystical, magical short stories that will capture your imagination as you are transported to exotic worlds far, f...