"Within the set of many identifier-locator separation designs for the Internet, HIP has progressed further than anything else we have so far. It is time to see what HIP can do in larger scale in the real world. In order to make that happen, the world needs a HIP book, and now we have it." - Jari Arkko, Internet Area Director, IETF
One of the challenges facing the current Internet architecture is the incorporation of mobile and multi-homed terminals (hosts), and an overall lack of protection against Denial-of-Service attacks and identity spoofing. The Host Identity Protocol...
"Within the set of many identifier-locator separation designs for the Internet, HIP has progressed further than anything else we have so far. It is...
The field of structured P2P systems has seen fast growth upon the introduction of Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) in the early 2000s. The first proposals, including Chord, Pastry, Tapestry, were gradually improved to cope with scalability, locality and security issues. By utilizing the processing and bandwidth resources of end users, the P2P approach enables high performance of data distribution which is hard to achieve with traditional client-server architectures. The P2P computing community is also being actively utilized for software updates to the Internet, P2PSIP VoIP, video-on-demand,...
The field of structured P2P systems has seen fast growth upon the introduction of Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) in the early 2000s. The first prop...
Liyanage, Madhusanka; Gurtov, Andrei; Ylianttila, Mika
This book describes the concept of a Software Defined Mobile Network (SDMN), which will impact the network architecture of current LTE (3GPP) networks. SDN will also open up new opportunities for traffic, resource and mobility management, as well as impose new challenges on network security. Therefore, the book addresses the main affected areas such as traffic, resource and mobility management, virtualized traffics transportation, network management, network security and techno economic concepts. Moreover, a complete introduction to SDN and SDMN concepts. Furthermore, the reader will be...
This book describes the concept of a Software Defined Mobile Network (SDMN), which will impact the network architecture of current LTE (3GPP) networks...
The field of structured P2P systems has seen fast growth upon the introduction of Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) in the early 2000s. The first proposals, including Chord, Pastry, Tapestry, were gradually improved to cope with scalability, locality and security issues. By utilizing the processing and bandwidth resources of end users, the P2P approach enables high performance of data distribution which is hard to achieve with traditional client-server architectures. The P2P computing community is also being actively utilized for software updates to the Internet, P2PSIP VoIP, video-on-demand,...
The field of structured P2P systems has seen fast growth upon the introduction of Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) in the early 2000s. The first prop...