This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the issues surrounding freedom of expression, looking at the current legal position in a number of European countries as well as engaging with the wider debates on the topic amongst sociologists, political scientists and economists.
In the book Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich addresses recent developments which have had a bearing on the debate including the changes in communication brought about by the internet, and the growing role of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the issues surrounding freedom of expression, looking at the current legal position in a number of ...
Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich Richard B. Day Daniel Gaido
Sexual services and goods are regularly, and legally, offered in all Western countries. Although they are shunned through the age old maxims of in pari causa turpitudinis and nemo auditur, there is a growing tendency, both in legislation and case law, to recognize the effects of these contracts. The book analyzes the policies underlying the regulation of sexual services and goods and indicates some important conflicts: self-determination against human dignity, refusal of commodification of women's bodies against protection of sex workers, regulatory approach against prohibition. The analysis...
Sexual services and goods are regularly, and legally, offered in all Western countries. Although they are shunned through the age old maxims of in par...