"The Adventures of Digibug" is a children's book describing what happens when a computer chip becomes a little person and goes for a walk and meets all kings of strange things in strange locations. Digibug was created when several computer chips left on the work bench required an explanation for curious grandchildren. If you would like to contact digibug her email address is: digibug@digibugonline.com She would love to hear from you.
"The Adventures of Digibug" is a children's book describing what happens when a computer chip becomes a little person and goes for a walk and meets al...
"The Adventures of Digibug II" is a continuing sequale to the first book "Adventures of Digibug," wherein a computer chip becomes a little person and goes for a walk and meets all kinds of strange things in strange locations. Digibug was created when several computer chips on the workbench required an explanation for curious grandchildren. If you would like to contact Digibug her email adress is: digibug@digibugonline.com She would love to hear from you.
"The Adventures of Digibug II" is a continuing sequale to the first book "Adventures of Digibug," wherein a computer chip becomes a little person and ...