The Elephant's Footprint is an intriguing crime novel laced with romance and set against a South African backdrop. Linda, a sharp and intuitive detective leaves Australia, to return to her birthplace Rustenburg, amidst the excitement of the World Cup soccer challenge. She finds the once lush farmland crippled by drought, lawlessness is on the rise and disease is rampant. At critical times, such as this, the local community seek help from their healers and witchdoctors. Even Voodoo resurfaces. Her skill in detection is well known, and she is persuaded to join an overworked police force in a...
The Elephant's Footprint is an intriguing crime novel laced with romance and set against a South African backdrop. Linda, a sharp and intuitive detect...
This novel takes the reader from contemporary Vienna to Melbourne, from the survivors of the Holocaust to the generations that follow. It is the story of a woman's self-discovery, her growing inner strength, and her understanding of her past. Ella is Jewish, born in the 1960's in Leopoldstadt, once a ghetto in Vienna, but has no sense of her background. Her undemonstrative mother is unwilling to talk about the past and her father, a survivor of the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, died shortly after her birth. Locked in an unsatisfying marriage to Richard, and with few ties to the wider...
This novel takes the reader from contemporary Vienna to Melbourne, from the survivors of the Holocaust to the generations that follow. It is the story...
This breakthrough book addresses the current problem of anxiety in families and the suffering of family members from anxiety disorders parents, school going or younger children, teenagers or grandparents. Step-by-step solutions are offered clearly and without jargon. This book provides families with three major ways of overcoming anxiety: 1.Stopping the cycle of anxiety spreading in families. Anxiety is like a virus. When one person suffers from anxiety, it can spread to other family members without anyone realising it is happening. Home life can begin to deteriorate and break down. 2.Ways in...
This breakthrough book addresses the current problem of anxiety in families and the suffering of family members from anxiety disorders parents, school...
I am convinced that love is one of the most powerful ingredients in stories that heal. Stories inspired by love take us beyond facts. They speak to our hearts and souls. They convey our deepest emotions of compassion, gratitude, and empathy.
In this collection of seventy, inspiring stories, Joan Zawatzky draws on her wealth of professional, counselling experience to share significant moments in the lives of ordinary people of all ages and diverse cultures, who have overcome obstacles, losses, and fears through understanding, self-belief, and embracing change.
I am convinced that love is one of the most powerful ingredients in stories that heal. Stories inspired by love take us beyond facts. They spea...