Efficient delivery of public services in Africa and other developing regions has for a long time been hindered by highly centralized government bureaucracies (Mwabu et al., 2001). In Kenya, several efforts have been made to reduce unnecessary layers of government to make service provision to the populace more effective. This book reports on recent decentralization and devolution innovations in Kenya. The volume is organized into three parts and contains a total of 12 chapters including the introduction. The chapters in Part 1 (Structures and Institutions) provide a comprehensive analysis of...
Efficient delivery of public services in Africa and other developing regions has for a long time been hindered by highly centralized government bureau...
This book seeks to explain the events that have been taking place in Cote d'Ivoire since 1999 and which are commonly referred to as 'la crise ivoirienne' (the Ivorian crisis). It seems that the day to day interpretation of the events did not provide a satisfactory explanation of the deep fracture and that it was necessary to reconsider the essentialist theoretical categories that are striving to impose on us a false view, made cumbersome by ethnocentric prejudices. To avoid falling into the trap of the day to day interpretation of events will require an in-depth questioning of the causes of...
This book seeks to explain the events that have been taking place in Cote d'Ivoire since 1999 and which are commonly referred to as 'la crise ivoirien...
Poverty in Africa presents a comprehensive picture on the extent of poverty in Africa and the institutional constraints to poverty reduction, Prepared by eminent economists the volume provides an analysis of poverty, income distribution and labour markets, and offers a range of tools for monitoring poverty and assessing the impacts of various poverty reduction programs. Prepared for the African Economic Research Consortium the book is relevant not only in sub-Saharan Africa, but also in other world regions at similar stages of development.
Poverty in Africa presents a comprehensive picture on the extent of poverty in Africa and the institutional constraints to poverty reduction, Prepared...
This volume contains framework papers prepared for a collaborative research project on Reproductive Health, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa, an initiative of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). Taken together, the chapters in this book make a compelling argument that improvement in reproductive health is key to raising household incomes and to reducing poverty. the books reveals that the triple phenomena of better reproductive health, economic growth, and declining poverty, are likely to be found in an environment in which labour and product markets function....
This volume contains framework papers prepared for a collaborative research project on Reproductive Health, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in A...