As feminists have long argued, objectification as a form of oppression is often manifested in womens weight and appearance preoccupation, eating disorders, and body image disturbances. While these theories have accounted for the experiences of women in a culture that devalues and oppresses them, they have often disregarded the experiences of women of color, women with disabilities, lesbian and bisexual women and women with various socioeconomic statuses. Moreover, until recently, much of the literature on body image disturbances, eating disorders, sexual objectification, and media images of...
As feminists have long argued, objectification as a form of oppression is often manifested in womens weight and appearance preoccupation, eating d...
Single, nicht eben einen runden tausender auf der hohen Kante, Haustiere und plotzlich Gipsarm - das kann schon eine ziemliche Herausforderung sein, die gemeistert werden will. Doch wie tut man das am Besten? Genau darum dreht sich dieser Survival-Guide, der Ihr Leben unter solchen Umstanden mit vielen hilfreichen Tipps & Tricks wie Sie Unterstutzung bekommen konnen und wie man am einfachsten soweit allein durch den Alltag kommt wahrend und nach der Zeit des Gipsarmes. Aufmunternde Anekdoten aus dem Leben eines einarmigen veganen Banditen regen zusatzlich die Schmunzelmuskeln an.
Single, nicht eben einen runden tausender auf der hohen Kante, Haustiere und plotzlich Gipsarm - das kann schon eine ziemliche Herausforderung sein, d...
Intentionally imprint your child with heaven's heart. Every child holds a unique display of the glory and wonder of the Lord, it is our job to help them find and cherish their greatness. Imprinted will help you learn how to recognize and partner with what God is already doing in your children's lives. Tai Ann writes from the heart. She shares personal (often humorous) stories from the pages of her own life, giving you practical, useful, simple tools to discover and parent your child's identity. Armed with "I Am Statements" and "Bless and Declares," you will find new and creative ways to...
Intentionally imprint your child with heaven's heart. Every child holds a unique display of the glory and wonder of the Lord, it is our job to help th...
Unsung Ballads of Buttered Toast & Jam is - at its very core - a book of love and longing captured in verse through poetry over the spanking span of three years by two poets living on opposite sides of the world. Here, you get two visionary and aspiring writers' perspectives as Black and Brightley present a collection of their favorite works to submerge yourselves into, like a warm bath lavished with rose petals.
Unsung Ballads of Buttered Toast & Jam is - at its very core - a book of love and longing captured in verse through poetry over the spanking span of t...