NBC & ME MY LIFE AS A PAGE IN A BOOK (A MOCK MEMOIR OF MY BIG '80s DAZE WITH THE PEACOCK NETWORK) From May 1984 to December 1985, actor/author/TV producer/singer Herbie J Pilato worked as a Page for NBC-TV in Burbank, California. Many Pages were excited by the frequent showbiz interactions that were accessible and provided by a major TV network facility. Some found work within and outside of the industry. Others found their job only uncovered a depressing, even insulting Hollywood experience. For Herbie J, it was da bomb, as he found himself on the set of Family Ties, The Golden Girls and...
NBC & ME MY LIFE AS A PAGE IN A BOOK (A MOCK MEMOIR OF MY BIG '80s DAZE WITH THE PEACOCK NETWORK) From May 1984 to December 1985, actor/author/TV prod...