Three new plays from American playwright Oliver Mayer take feisty, sexy, playful turns through stories of politics, identity, freedom, music, and trans-locality. With an introduction by dramatist Velina Hasu Houston.
Three new plays from American playwright Oliver Mayer take feisty, sexy, playful turns through stories of politics, identity, freedom, music, and tran...
A Chilling Document to The Testimonies of German SS Soldiers 2ND EDITION Free bonus inside (right after Conclusion) - Get limited time offer, Get your BONUS right NOW Find out about what really happened to the German SS Soldiers during World War 2 In Testimonies of German SS Soldiers, you'll learn the stories of 6 different SS soldiers who fought for the German Army during World War II. These six soldiers all had different roles to play, and all look back at their experiences, sharing them to make amends for the cruel times that they lived in. Learn about what it was like to be in a...
A Chilling Document to The Testimonies of German SS Soldiers 2ND EDITION Free bonus inside (right after Conclusion) - Get limited time offer, Get yo...
TRIZ is a valuable tool for inventive problem solving. Based on patent analysis TRIZ enables the faster solution-oriented generation of ideas in fields of technology, organizations, and software. TRIZ originated from mainly mechanical problems. But it can be applied very successfully as well for other branches like business, or sustainability or in traffic planning. This enlarged application range offers supplementary value of the tool box TRIZ. The 2ndTRIZ online conference by Bayern Innovativ was born from the TRIZ-Anwendertage. The idea behind is providing a platform that allows to...
TRIZ is a valuable tool for inventive problem solving. Based on patent analysis TRIZ enables the faster solution-oriented generation of ideas in field...
Thomas Heinz Meitinger Oliver Mayer Philipp Gasteiger
Zur Lösung eines technischen Problems benötigt ein Erfinder technisches Know-How. Allerdings reicht technisches Know-How allein oft nicht aus, um eine technische Aufgabe zu bewältigen. Erst die Kombination von technischem Know-How mit einer systematischen und zielgerichteten Methodik der Problemlösung kann zur Lösung des technischen Problems führen. Dieses Fachbuch präsentiert den Werkzeugkasten des TRIZ-Systems zur Lösung technischer Aufgaben, wobei ein Schwerpunkt auf die grundlegenden physikalischen Effekte und die TRIZ-Innovationsprinzipien gelegt wird. Außerdem werden das SIT...
Zur Lösung eines technischen Problems benötigt ein Erfinder technisches Know-How. Allerdings reicht technisches Know-How allein oft nicht aus, um ei...