Clutter is a humorous children's color book written by Ana Monnar. The main character is a boy who could not be bothered by the clutter in his room. The father wished the boy would be less messy. However, the boy knew where all of his things were under each single pile. The clutter seemed to remain no matter what. Last but not least, the teen boy grew older and married, and guess what? His first born son grew and grew. When the young son became a teenager the story repeated itself. Have you read any of these books? Express Yourself 101: Dancing with Words is the first anthology of a series...
Clutter is a humorous children's color book written by Ana Monnar. The main character is a boy who could not be bothered by the clutter in his room. T...
Maggie was always making fun of people because of the way they looked. She thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Maggie never shared or helped anybody. But one day it all changed.
Maggie was always making fun of people because of the way they looked. She thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Maggie never shared o...