The cinematic vamp presents a fascinating archetypal character, functioning outside the bounds of normative societal and gender constructions. This filmic icon motivated the plot yet was often killed by the narrative end. Therefore, this book attempts to resolve the implications of the primary research question: Why did the vamp die? To answer this query, the text follows two theoretical paths. First, this book uses Michel Foucaults theories to ask: Is the vamps death punishment for her location as a gendered "other"? Secondly, the text uses psychoanalytic approaches, and specifically the...
The cinematic vamp presents a fascinating archetypal character, functioning outside the bounds of normative societal and gender constructions.
The Voices of #MeToo: From Grassroots Activism to a Viral Roar illustrates the intersectional genealogy of #MeToo. This book expands on the duality of public and private citizens; the silencing surrounding identity politics for people of color; the double-bind oppression of the LGBTQ+ community; the discussion of hetero, cisgender men and more.
The Voices of #MeToo: From Grassroots Activism to a Viral Roar illustrates the intersectional genealogy of #MeToo. This book expands on the duality of...