A Focused, State-of-the-Art Overview of This Evolving Field Presents Various Techniques for Glycoinformatics
The development and use of informatics tools and databases for glycobiology and glycomics research have increased considerably in recent years. In addition to accumulating well-structured glyco-related data, researchers have now developed semi-automated methods for the annotation of mass spectral data and algorithms for capturing patterns in glycan structure data. These techniques have enabled researchers to gain a better understanding of how these complex...
A Focused, State-of-the-Art Overview of This Evolving Field Presents Various Techniques for Glycoinformatics
That is, because many databases provide a variety of data that could be obtained from different perspectives, each chapter provides users with potential biological questions that can be answered by a particular database and step-by-step instructions, with figures, on how to obtain that data.
That is, because many databases provide a variety of data that could be obtained from different perspectives, each chapter provides users with potenti...