Le Rouge's masterpiece, "Le Prisonnier de la Plante Mars" (1908) and its sequel, "La Guerre des Vampires" (1909), are Martian odysseys in which young engineer Robert Darvel, dispatched to Mars, runs afoul of hostile, bat-winged, blood-sucking natives, who unfortunately return to Earth with him.
Le Rouge's masterpiece, "Le Prisonnier de la Plante Mars" (1908) and its sequel, "La Guerre des Vampires" (1909), are Martian odysseys in which young ...
The Dominion of the World (1900) represents a transition from classic Vernian anticipation to the pulp serials of the 1920s and 1930s. It is also the only science fiction work that sought to dramatize the "Transatlantic Peril," positing a fundamental difference of culture and attitude between the United States and Europe. Despite some of its outlandishness, hindsight has lent the world imagined by Gustave Guitton and Gustave Le Rouge (The Vampires of Mars) a certain prophetic quality. In the second volume of the series, as France seemed headed for war with England over colonial disputes in...
The Dominion of the World (1900) represents a transition from classic Vernian anticipation to the pulp serials of the 1920s and 1930s. It is also the ...
The Dominion of the World (1900) represents a transition from classic Vernian anticipation to the pulp serials of the 1920s and 1930s. It is also the only science fiction work that sought to dramatize the "Transatlantic Peril," positing a fundamental difference of culture and attitude between the United States and Europe. Despite some of its outlandishness, hindsight has lent the world imagined by Gustave Guitton and Gustave Le Rouge (The Vampires of Mars) a certain prophetic quality. In the fourth and final volume of the series, Harry Madge's brigade of psychic spies sent to infiltrate...
The Dominion of the World (1900) represents a transition from classic Vernian anticipation to the pulp serials of the 1920s and 1930s. It is also the ...
L'Esclave Amoureuse n'etant jamais paru sous forme papier, il n'y a aucune description de l'editeur possible. Il est neanmoins possible de se procurer ce recit court gratuitement et legalement sous forme de livre audio, au format PDF sur le net, ou en allant sur des sites litteraires specialises. Merci."
L'Esclave Amoureuse n'etant jamais paru sous forme papier, il n'y a aucune description de l'editeur possible. Il est neanmoins possible de se procurer...
El astro espantoso es tambien conocida como La guerra de los vampiros (La guerre des vampires), o el Naufrago del espacio. Es nada menos que la secuela de El prisionero del planeta Marte (Le prisonnier de la planete Mars), y una de las primeras novelas mezclar la ciencia ficcion con el vampirismo."
El astro espantoso es tambien conocida como La guerra de los vampiros (La guerre des vampires), o el Naufrago del espacio. Es nada menos que la secuel...
The modern literary archetype of the mad scientist was wonderfully incarnated in the French proto-science fiction saga of The Mysterious Dr. Cornelius, a sprawling novel serialized in eighteen volumes in 1912-13, written by the prolific Gustave Le Rouge, author of The Vampires of Mars and The Dominion of the World. Dr. Cornelius Kramm and his brother, Fritz, rule an international criminal empire called the Red Hand. Cornelius is a brilliant surgeon, nicknamed the "Sculptor of Human Flesh" because of his diabolical ability to alter people's likenesses through the science of carnoplasty. One of...
The modern literary archetype of the mad scientist was wonderfully incarnated in the French proto-science fiction saga of The Mysterious Dr. Cornelius...