The Locust Messenger is a bizarre, real-life Christian comedy about close encounters with the Lord. The book was written as a wake-up call into the everyday life we share with our families when we don't notice the Lord is at work. He has done amazing things that baffle many non-believers. While we are living our comfortable lives we often let things go unrecognized without accepting that most close encounters with life and death or anything that is "of the bizarre" has an interpretatation--That is Jesus, the God who saves and takes away.
The Locust Messenger is a bizarre, real-life Christian comedy about close encounters with the Lord. The book was written as a wake-up call into the ev...
The Locust Messenger returns in Fitzgerald's Fit. Part 2 of The Locust Messenger takes you into a spiritual battle between Heaven and Hell, explaining what it is like for a struggling believer. Diane's final break from Rueben in 1997 lead her down a path of drugs, fornication and eventually a face-off with a sorceror and his pot-luck of soothe-saying friends. But a Daddy's little girl named Diane was not alone. Not once did she turn away from the grace of God that would save her from a mouth of a sorceror who spoke on behalf of Satan and his followers. Diane's battle was won into the Kingdom...
The Locust Messenger returns in Fitzgerald's Fit. Part 2 of The Locust Messenger takes you into a spiritual battle between Heaven and Hell, explaining...