Set in the backdrop of lovely San Diego, this story tracks the struggle of two distinctly diverse people whose bizarre chance meeting in a gay bar turns both of their worlds upside down. Josh, the handsome sailor, returns from a tour of duty in the Mideast and finds himself thunderstruck by the beautiful Amanda, a brilliant business woman, driven by her own competitive nature. Their instant magnetic attraction casts them into a tumultuous affair that erupts in fiery confrontations, yet passions soar above their wildest expectations. But is their obsessive love sufficient to bridge the gap in...
Set in the backdrop of lovely San Diego, this story tracks the struggle of two distinctly diverse people whose bizarre chance meeting in a gay bar tur...
Have you ever thought, "I'd love to share my story, but I have no idea how to put it all together?" This workbook will start you on the journey to do just that. Each of the focus areas has questions to guide your thinking and space to collect your ideas. My hope for you is that by the end, you'll be able to see the greater purpose in your experiences and how you can encourage others through them. EVERYONE has a story and finding the courage to share them with one another is our most effective tool for inspiring hope, achieving mutual understanding and compassion in our communities.Are you...
Have you ever thought, "I'd love to share my story, but I have no idea how to put it all together?" This workbook will start you on the journey to do ...
Bridget Saunders is 11-years-old and relies on her power wheelchair to navigate her way through life. She knows the Lord must have a purpose for all her struggles, but still longs to fly and be free like the characters in her favorite fairytales. The desires of Bridget's heart touch the Lord and He soon sends her on a journey into the world of butterflies that will forever change the way she sees her wheels and the lives of a few special friends.
Bridget Saunders is 11-years-old and relies on her power wheelchair to navigate her way through life. She knows the Lord must have a purpose for all h...