Morgan's novella explores the interwoven stories of the protagonists, Maximilian "Max" Callahan and Astrid Callahan. In a small town outside Montreal, visit the downward spirals of Maximilian and Astrid, and relive their struggles as they make their way through life, and explore all the characters that come in and out of their lives.
Morgan's novella explores the interwoven stories of the protagonists, Maximilian "Max" Callahan and Astrid Callahan. In a small town outside Montreal,...
Morgan's third and final novella within the "Worn" series explores the story of Mary Casablancas, and her girlfriend, Eudoxia Clayton, as they work through their lives together. In the same town outside Montreal, explore the conclusion to the "Worn" series, and find the truth behind the events of all three stories.
Morgan's third and final novella within the "Worn" series explores the story of Mary Casablancas, and her girlfriend, Eudoxia Clayton, as they work th...
20 years after the final events of the "Worn" trilogy, begins the final entry in the series, which is both enjoyable for returning fans, and accessible for newcomers. Mary Casablancas, now 37, has spent several years in isolation. When a mysterious stranger appears on her doorstep, asking for her help, what must she do, and how far must she go, to find the one she loves?
20 years after the final events of the "Worn" trilogy, begins the final entry in the series, which is both enjoyable for returning fans, and accessibl...