Numerous books have been written about Victorian child care pioneers, but few biographical studies have been published about more recent child care and welfare giants. In this book, Bob Holman, a champion for children in his own right, looks at the lives of six inspirational individuals who have made significant contributions to the well-being of disadvantaged children over the course of the 20th century.Each of the six discussed - Eleanor Rathbone, Lady Marjory Allen, Clare Winnicott, John Stroud, Barbara Kahan and Peter Townsend - has been important in establishing present systems of child...
Numerous books have been written about Victorian child care pioneers, but few biographical studies have been published about more recent child care an...
With mercurial wands, Baal's angels, decks with wild Jacks of oracle bones, tempest Serpens, Lord Byron on the Bridge of Sighs, stallions mottled grey, a "dark blue stronger than the Flemish blue of hummingbirds," and poesis lying in the ashes of a dress, Janet Hamill turns her wizard poet's eye on an immense body of alchemical empathies. This book is a romantic, surreal, lyrical Voyage. It twists and turns with the playful tide of poetic vision, enhanced by the delicate measures of Patti Smith's photography. Kudos all around. --Anne Waldman
Reading Janet Hamill now, as I have...
With mercurial wands, Baal's angels, decks with wild Jacks of oracle bones, tempest Serpens, Lord Byron on the Bridge of Sighs, stallions mottled grey...
Many books have been written about Victorian child-care pioneers, but few biographical studies have been published about recent innovators in this crucial field. In the revised edition of this classic book, Bob Holman looks at the lives of six inspirational individuals who made significant contributions to the well-being of disadvantaged children over the course of the twentieth century. Providing an engaging account of his own life which has been dedicated to improving the lives of children he makes recommendations for policy and services geared toward tackling family and child poverty."
Many books have been written about Victorian child-care pioneers, but few biographical studies have been published about recent innovators in this cru...
The 12th edition of Sensitive Skin, an anthology of art and literature, celebrates Poetry Month, with the work of 30 poets and 30 artists, one for each day in April. Includes poems by John S. Hall, Bonny Finberg, JD King, Emily XYZ, Marc Olmsted, Jack Micheline, Jose Padua, Michael Randall, Ron Kolm, Pete Simonelli, Bob Holman, Hal Sirowitz, Sparrow, steve dalachinsky, Wanda Phipps, Eddie Woods, Max Blagg, Larissa Shmailo, Rob Hardin, Rebecca Weiner Tompkins, Ron Richardson, Carl Watson, John Farris, David Rattray, Norman Douglas, Sharon Mesmer, Taylor Mead, Michael Carter Vladimir Mayakovsky...
The 12th edition of Sensitive Skin, an anthology of art and literature, celebrates Poetry Month, with the work of 30 poets and 30 artists, one for eac...
This is a book of encounters. Part memoir, part essay, and partly a guide to maximizing your capacity for fulfillment and expression, The Poetry of Everyday Life taps into the artistic side of what we often take for granted: the stories we tell, the people we love, the metaphors used by scientists, even our sex lives. A folklorist, writer, and cultural activist, Steve Zeitlin explores how poems serve us in daily life and how they are used in times of personal and national crisis. In the first book to bring together the perspectives of folklore and creative writing, Zeitlin...
This is a book of encounters. Part memoir, part essay, and partly a guide to maximizing your capacity for fulfillment and expression, The Poetr...