The subject of this little memoir was so well known to her neighbours, and to the many young persons with whom she associated, that I have felt sure a short account of her would not be unacceptable to them. They knew her quiet, virtuous, consistent, pious walk, and they will, I am sure, bear witness, that I do not over-state the blameless character which she maintained. This, as it was an example to others, so it must be a cause of heartfelt rejoicing to her friends now that she has finished her course, and entered into her rest.
The subject of this little memoir was so well known to her neighbours, and to the many young persons with whom she associated, that I have felt sure a...
In compliance with a wish so kindly expressed by your Lordship, I shall now endeavour to communicate in writing the substance of what I took the liberty of stating in the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
In compliance with a wish so kindly expressed by your Lordship, I shall now endeavour to communicate in writing the substance of what I took the liber...