""Saragossa" is the sixth volume in the brilliant series of historical novels by B. Perez Galdos, which begins with "Trafalgar" and closes with "The Battle of the Arapiles," embracing "The Court of Carlos IV," "Gerona," and "Napoleon in Chamartin." B. Perez Galdos, possibly known best in the United States as the author of "Dona Perfecta," may be called the Walter Scott of Spain. He is, however, truer to history than Scott, and the characters he creates move in an atmosphere of reality rather than romance. "Saragossa" is one of the most powerful, impressive, and popular of the twenty novels...
""Saragossa" is the sixth volume in the brilliant series of historical novels by B. Perez Galdos, which begins with "Trafalgar" and closes with "The B...