"A captivating book rooted in first-rate research." -- New York Times Book Review
New York Times bestseller -- Espionage category
For the first time, once-secret government records and interviews tell the full story of the thousands of Nazis--from concentration camp guards to high-level officers in the Third Reich--who came to the United States after World War II and quietly settled into new lives. Many gained entry on their own as self-styled war "refugees." But some had help from the U.S. government. The CIA, the FBI, and the military all put Hitler's...
"A captivating book rooted in first-rate research." -- New York Times Book Review
The remarkable story of Fred Mayer, a German-born Jew who escaped Nazi Germany only to return as an American commando on a secret mission behind enemy lines.
The remarkable story of Fred Mayer, a German-born Jew who escaped Nazi Germany only to return as an American commando on a secret mission behind enemy...