The first of its kind, this book provides a unique inside look into the hidden world of ordinary North Koreans. Mike Kim, who worked with refugees on the Chinese border for four years, recounts their experiences of enduring famine, sex-trafficking, and torture, as well as the inspirational stories of those who overcame tremendous adversity to escape the repressive regime of their homeland and make new lives. One of the few Americans granted entry into the secretive "Hermit Kingdom," Kim came to know the isolated country and its people intimately. His North Korean friends entrusted their...
The first of its kind, this book provides a unique inside look into the hidden world of ordinary North Koreans. Mike Kim, who worked with refugees on ...
The first of its kind, this book provides a unique inside look into the hidden world of ordinary North Koreans. Mike Kim, who worked with refugees on the Chinese border for four years, recounts their experiences of enduring famine, sex-trafficking, and torture, as well as the inspirational stories of those who overcame tremendous adversity to escape the repressive regime of their homeland and make new lives. One of the few Americans granted entry into the secretive "Hermit Kingdom," Kim came to know the isolated country and its people intimately. His North Korean friends entrusted their...
The first of its kind, this book provides a unique inside look into the hidden world of ordinary North Koreans. Mike Kim, who worked with refugees on ...
It all begins with our relationship with God. If we cease tohonor God, we will never honor His Word. And if we cease tohonor God, we will never honor others.Our prayer for this book is to redeem the virtue of honor inworship leaders, and consequently, in the worship services of thelocal churches or other gatherings this book may influence. If Godwill grace us with the restoration of honor among us, we have alltaken a large step toward revival in the church, and reformation insociety.
It all begins with our relationship with God. If we cease tohonor God, we will never honor His Word. And if we cease tohonor God, we will never honor ...