Over the past 10-15 years, we have seen a revival of general Levy processes theory as well as a burst of new applications. In the past, Brownian motion or the Poisson process have been considered as appropriate models for most applications. Nowadays, the need for more realistic modelling of irregular behaviour of phen- ena in nature and society like jumps, bursts, and extremeshas led to a renaissance of the theory of general Levy processes. Theoretical and applied researchers in elds asdiverseas quantumtheory, statistical physics, meteorology, seismology, statistics, insurance, nance, and...
Over the past 10-15 years, we have seen a revival of general Levy processes theory as well as a burst of new applications. In the past, Brownian motio...
The volume Stochastic Processes by K. Ito was published as No. 16 of Lecture Notes Series from Mathematics Institute, Aarhus University in August, 1969, based on Lectures given at that Institute during the academie year 1968- 1969. The volume was as thick as 3.5 cm., mimeographed from typewritten manuscript and has been out of print for many years. Since its appearance, it has served, for those abIe to obtain one of the relatively few copies available, as a highly readable introduetion to basic parts of the theories of additive processes (processes with independent increments) and of Markov...
The volume Stochastic Processes by K. Ito was published as No. 16 of Lecture Notes Series from Mathematics Institute, Aarhus University in August, 196...
Levy processes are rich mathematical objects and constitute perhaps the most basic class of stochastic processes with a continuous time parameter. This book is intended to provide the reader with comprehensive basic knowledge of Levy processes, and at the same time serve as an introduction to stochastic processes in general. No specialist knowledge is assumed and proofs are given in detail. Systematic study is made of stable and semi-stable processes, and the author gives special emphasis to the correspondence between Levy processes and infinitely divisible distributions. All serious students...
Levy processes are rich mathematical objects and constitute perhaps the most basic class of stochastic processes with a continuous time parameter. Thi...