Salem, Massachusetts Police Detective Brian Rooney is returning from vacation at his childhood home on Nantucket Island, when he is called to the Salem Hospital to investigate the grizzly homicide of a legendary folksinger. The murder victim, Johnny Dwyer, appears to have lived a life of secrecy, shrouded in fear and addiction, masked by charm, wit and talent. He also leaves behind a twisted history that closely touches two of Vermont's leading citizens -- a dedicated female state senator who is a strident advocate for the mentally ill, and an iron-willed entrepreneur, whose control of...
Salem, Massachusetts Police Detective Brian Rooney is returning from vacation at his childhood home on Nantucket Island, when he is called to the Sale...
Salem, Massachusetts Police Detective Brian Rooney is returning from vacation at his childhood home on Nantucket Island, when he is called to the Salem Hospital to investigate the grizzly homicide of a legendary folksinger. The murder victim, Johnny Dwyer, appears to have lived a life of secrecy, shrouded in fear and addiction, masked by charm, wit and talent. He also leaves behind a twisted history that closely touches two of Vermont's leading citizens -- a dedicated female state senator who is a strident advocate for the mentally ill, and an iron-willed entrepreneur, whose control of...
Salem, Massachusetts Police Detective Brian Rooney is returning from vacation at his childhood home on Nantucket Island, when he is called to the Sale...