How is a natural common pool resource such as a sea, which is shared by several countries, best governed? The potential for international conflict is immense, as each country may have different agendas with regard to issues such as exploitation and environmental protection.This book uses a case study of the Baltic Sea region to examine this complex problem. The sea itself has been highly vulnerable to pollution and recently the bordering nations have cooperated and tackled the issue by establishing several new forums to manage the sea. Administrative and political structures developed in the...
How is a natural common pool resource such as a sea, which is shared by several countries, best governed? The potential for international conflict is ...
Die Diffusion politischer und institutioneller Innovationen ist leider ein in der Politikwissenschaft weitgehend vernachlassigtes Thema. Zwar wird die Be deutung externer Anstosse fur die Entwicklung neuer Politikansatze bisweilen am Rande erwahnt, uber diese eher randstandige Stellung kommt das hier im Zentrum stehende Thema aber selten hinaus. Den deutlichen Defiziten bei der systematischen Analyse der verschiedenen Varianten der Politikdiffusion steht eine Entwicklung in der politischen Praxis gegenuber, die die Bedeu tung des Transfers von Politiken und institutionellen Arrangements immer...
Die Diffusion politischer und institutioneller Innovationen ist leider ein in der Politikwissenschaft weitgehend vernachlassigtes Thema. Zwar wird die...
Der Band bietet theoretische Zugange und empirische Befunde zur Rolle von Zivilgesellschaften und sozialem Kapital bei der Sicherung politischer und sozialer Integration. Auerdem analysiert der Band Integrations- und Segregationseffekte ethnischer Gemeinschaften.
Der Band bietet theoretische Zugange und empirische Befunde zur Rolle von Zivilgesellschaften und sozialem Kapital bei der Sicherung politischer und s...
This is a very welcome volume, and it will reach a large audience and readership among those involved in these issues from a truly multidisciplinary perspective; in essence, a much needed book Erik Bonsdorff, professor of marine biology at bo Akademi University, Finland This timely volume provides a thorough account of how the highly advanced industrial societies seek to govern and manage the Baltic Sea. The way they proceed, and the degree to which they succeed, provide valuable lessons for riparian states seeking to avoid tragedies of their commons. Lennart J. Lundqvist, professor of...
This is a very welcome volume, and it will reach a large audience and readership among those involved in these issues from a truly multidisciplinary p...
Macro-regional strategies seek to improve the interplay of the EU with existing regimes and institutions, and foster coherence of transnational policies. Drawing on macro-regional governance and Europeanization, this edited volume provides an overview of processes of macro-regionalization in Europe displaying evidence of their significant impact.
Macro-regional strategies seek to improve the interplay of the EU with existing regimes and institutions, and foster coherence of transnational polici...