Seasons of Liberty begins in 1956 on the day before Billy Cureton's birthday and covers the roller coaster ride of his life over the next ten years. Billy is the son of George and Rosie, people of modest means, who at one time were affluent and at the top of society in South Georgia. Unfortunate events in their early lives, however, left them practically penniless and Billy was born to them at a time when they felt they would never have any children. Billy initially accepts his situation in life and never questions why, when others have plenty, he has to wear homemade clothing and live...
Seasons of Liberty begins in 1956 on the day before Billy Cureton's birthday and covers the roller coaster ride of his life over the next ten years. B...
Seasons of Liberty begins in 1956 on the day before Billy Cureton's birthday and covers the roller coaster ride of his life over the next ten years. Billy is the son of George and Rosie, people of modest means, who at one time were affluent and at the top of society in South Georgia. Unfortunate events in their early lives, however, left them practically penniless and Billy was born to them at a time when they felt they would never have any children. Billy initially accepts his situation in life and never questions why, when others have plenty, he has to wear homemade clothing and live...
Seasons of Liberty begins in 1956 on the day before Billy Cureton's birthday and covers the roller coaster ride of his life over the next ten years. B...