JOURNAL AND LETTERS OF THE REV. HENRY MARTYN by B.D. FELLOW. PREFACE TO THE AiVERICAN EDITION: - THERE is 110 modern name dearer to the clizrcli than that of Henry Dlartyn. A volume from his pen on any subject could not fail to interest the Christian public, nlucli more one like this, which contains the records of his heart. 111 those vho have read his life, will earnestly desire to read his Letters and Journal. The author of his life speaks of the distlacting riches of his journals, of the masses of ore left behind, when he made the extracts which are woven into the narrative. Those reserved...
JOURNAL AND LETTERS OF THE REV. HENRY MARTYN by B.D. FELLOW. PREFACE TO THE AiVERICAN EDITION: - THERE is 110 modern name dearer to the clizrcli than ...