release reputation bearers from the burden of being constantly mo- tored and reduce the likelihood of government or public supervision and control. strengthen client trust, ease the recruitment and retention of capable employees and improve access to capital markets or attract investors. legitimate positions of power and build up reserves of trust which - lowed companies and politicians but also researchers and journalists to put their issues on the public agenda, present them credibly and mould them in their own interests. But a fear of loss is not the only reason for the steadily increasing...
release reputation bearers from the burden of being constantly mo- tored and reduce the likelihood of government or public supervision and control. st...
Joachim Klewes is Senior Partner of Pleon and an associate professor at the Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf. His over 25 years of expertise include major assignments in the fields of organisational consulting, corporate change and crisis management, as well as corporate communications. He is a founding partner of the opinion research institute com.X and a frequent writer, publisher and speaker.
Ralf Langen is Managing Partner of Pleon Germany and European Head of Pleon s Change & Transformation Practice. He has been a communications management...
Joachim Klewes is Senior Partner of Pleon and an associate professor at the Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf. His over 25 yea...
Die empirischen Untersuchungen liefern Ergebnisse aus der Praxis, die belastbare Aussagen uber die Messbarkeit von Effekten der Kommunikation zulassen. Neben etablierten Praktikern und Wissenschaftlern kommt auch der PR- Nachwuchs zu Wort mit Beitragen, die u.a. im Rahmen des Forderprogramms "Initiative 100" der Kommunikationsagentur komm.passion ausgewahlt wurden."
Die empirischen Untersuchungen liefern Ergebnisse aus der Praxis, die belastbare Aussagen uber die Messbarkeit von Effekten der Kommunikation zulassen...
Die gezielte Anwendung von Forschungsergebnissen auf Problemstellungen der Kommunikationspraxis, und gleichzeitig die daraus resultierende Forderung neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, ist das Anliegen des vorliegenden Bandes. Die Beitrage namhafter Autoren aus der deutschen und internationalen PR-Forschung und der Kommunikationspraxis bundeln die aktuelle Fachdiskussion und liefern Anregungen fur erfolgreiches Kommunikationsmanagement."
Die gezielte Anwendung von Forschungsergebnissen auf Problemstellungen der Kommunikationspraxis, und gleichzeitig die daraus resultierende Forderung n...
release reputation bearers from the burden of being constantly mo- tored and reduce the likelihood of government or public supervision and control. strengthen client trust, ease the recruitment and retention of capable employees and improve access to capital markets or attract investors. legitimate positions of power and build up reserves of trust which - lowed companies and politicians but also researchers and journalists to put their issues on the public agenda, present them credibly and mould them in their own interests. But a fear of loss is not the only reason for the steadily increasing...
release reputation bearers from the burden of being constantly mo- tored and reduce the likelihood of government or public supervision and control. st...
This book demonstrates the challenges for Corporate Communications in the era of the Industrial Internet and the Internet of things, and how companies can adapt their communication strategies to meet them.
This book demonstrates the challenges for Corporate Communications in the era of the Industrial Internet and the Internet of things, and how companies...