With the number of large congregations rising in the U.S., these congregations are increasingly dependent upon a greater number of staff to meet the needs of their diverse collection of members. As leaders of multi-staff teams, senior clergy must play the dual role of both Moses and Aaron--both visionary and detail-oriented leader--in order for their large congregations to thrive. They need to be skilled with the tools of human resource management, while at the same time setting a vision and inspiring both staff and congregation. Unfortunately, until now there have been few resources for...
With the number of large congregations rising in the U.S., these congregations are increasingly dependent upon a greater number of staff to meet the n...
Congregations need to learn new cultural languages and practices in order to speak to and be heard by new generations of people. But how do congregations enter the wilderness of ministry with these new generations when many of those in the entourage do not appreciate the trip? In contrast to many writers about church growth, Rendle works with three important observations: (1) Most congregations are not "pure markets," discrete groups with uniform values and behaviors, that can be targeted to the exclusion of all other audiences; (2) Some of the differences and discomforts experienced in the...
Congregations need to learn new cultural languages and practices in order to speak to and be heard by new generations of people. But how do congregati...
Planning can be challenging in the contemporary congregation, where people share a common faith and values but may have very different preferences and needs. Much of the literature on congregational planning presents it as a technical process: the leader serves as the chief problem solver, and the goal is finding "the solution to the problem." Popular Alban consultants and authors Gil Rendle and Alice Mann cast planning as a "holy conversation," a congregational discernment process about three critical questions: -Who are we? -What has God called us to do or be? -Who is our neighbor? Rendle...
Planning can be challenging in the contemporary congregation, where people share a common faith and values but may have very different preferences and...
Over the past ten years, the North American mission field has experienced dramatic changes, which in turn have required congregations, middle judicatories, and denominations to adapt. Among these adaptations is an expectation for clear goals and quantified progress towards those goals. Church leaders who have never needed to measure their goals and progress with metrics may find this change daunting. The use of metrics--denominational and middle judicatory dashboards, and the tracking of congregational trends--has become an uncomfortable and misunderstood practice in this search for...
Over the past ten years, the North American mission field has experienced dramatic changes, which in turn have required congregations, middle judicato...
Over the past ten years, the North American mission field has experienced dramatic changes, which in turn have required congregations, middle judicatories, and denominations to adapt. Among these adaptations is an expectation for clear goals and quantified progress towards those goals. Church leaders who have never needed to measure their goals and progress with metrics may find this change daunting. The use of metrics--denominational and middle judicatory dashboards, and the tracking of congregational trends--has become an uncomfortable and misunderstood practice in this search for...
Over the past ten years, the North American mission field has experienced dramatic changes, which in turn have required congregations, middle judicato...
Quiet Courage for Leadership offers practical guidance to leaders--both lay and ordained--on leading churches today. It encourages leaders to focus on their mission and purpose--what is ultimately motivating their work. It also urges a shift in perspectives on resources, discusses models of change, and offers suggestions for avoiding common pitfalls.
Quiet Courage for Leadership offers practical guidance to leaders--both lay and ordained--on leading churches today. It encourages leaders to focus on...
Quiet Courage for Leadership offers practical guidance to leaders--both lay and ordained--on leading churches today. It encourages leaders to focus on their mission and purpose--what is ultimately motivating their work. It also urges a shift in perspectives on resources, discusses models of change, and offers suggestions for avoiding common pitfalls.
Quiet Courage for Leadership offers practical guidance to leaders--both lay and ordained--on leading churches today. It encourages leaders to focus on...