Trade in counterfeit goods has developed into a substantial threat to many industries. The problem is no longer confined to prestigious, easy-to-manufacture products which consumers all too often knowingly purchase as cheap imitations. Today counterfeiting affects pharmaceuticals, mechanical spare parts, fast-moving consumer goods and electronic components as well as fashion accessories, clo- ing, cigarettes, and digital media. Even within the different product categories counterfeit supply is extremely diverse. While some goods pose a severe risk to the health and safety of consumers, others...
Trade in counterfeit goods has developed into a substantial threat to many industries. The problem is no longer confined to prestigious, easy-to-manuf...
Trade in counterfeit goods has developed into a substantial threat to many industries. The problem is no longer confined to prestigious, easy-to-manufacture products which consumers all too often knowingly purchase as cheap imitations. Today counterfeiting affects pharmaceuticals, mechanical spare parts, fast-moving consumer goods and electronic components as well as fashion accessories, clo- ing, cigarettes, and digital media. Even within the different product categories counterfeit supply is extremely diverse. While some goods pose a severe risk to the health and safety of consumers, others...
Trade in counterfeit goods has developed into a substantial threat to many industries. The problem is no longer confined to prestigious, easy-to-manuf...