"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." -- Albert Einstein-- Modern business leaders are just too aware of how much the world has changed in the last decades and continues to do so. It is little wonder then that even the best of us can feel overwhelmed by the many demands we now face in our working and private lives. Summarizing the knowledge and experiences of three experts in the field, and offering practical insights from specialists around the world, this book offers a new approach to leadership and...
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." -- Albert Einstein-- Modern...
Essential Leadership is a practical, accessible book that tackles theory and practice in an integrated and stimulating way. You are encouraged to engage with a wide range of leadership theories and frameworks as well as rate your own leadership skills and qualities, make realistic self-development plans and start to experiment with new or different approaches. Rather than offering one best way forward or becoming overly theoretical, this book is a pragmatic resource for new and experienced leaders looking to navigate the leadership literature and start to fully realize their...
Essential Leadership is a practical, accessible book that tackles theory and practice in an integrated and stimulating way. You are e...