This collection of cartoons, Not All Black and White Volume II, by author Vincent Yanez, are drawings that were either published on websites and Facebook pages throughout the last couple of years, were drawn and then forgotten in a virtual drawer somewhere, or were rejected by reputable organizations who knew better than to actually show these to their viewing public. They are a random assortment of political /social commentaries, questions pertaining to certain religious viewpoints, and a lovely group of drawings that were an inspiration for an entire group of people who understand the magic...
This collection of cartoons, Not All Black and White Volume II, by author Vincent Yanez, are drawings that were either published on websites and Faceb...
For the past few years author Vincent Yanez has been submitting a weekly cartoon to his hometown newspaper, The Arizona Silver Belt. To his surprise, they often publish them. This is a collection of those cartoons.
For the past few years author Vincent Yanez has been submitting a weekly cartoon to his hometown newspaper, The Arizona Silver Belt. To his surprise, ...
This book consists of short stories, ramblings and incoherent mumblings that are the result of numerous potassium overdoses experienced by the author, Vincent Yanez One day, quite by accident, Vincent stumbled upon the fact that if he ate a few bananas before bedtime, he would have incredibly surreal dreams. In the morning, he would try and write down everything he remembered. Those banana-dreams you now have before you. So, as you slosh your way through this swampy jumble of words, if you find yourself saying, "What the hell was he smoking when he wrote that one?" The answer is, bananas....
This book consists of short stories, ramblings and incoherent mumblings that are the result of numerous potassium overdoses experienced by the author,...
This book consists of short stories, ramblings and incoherent mumblings that are the result of numerous potassium overdoses experienced by the author, Vincent Yanez One day, quite by accident, Vincent stumbled upon the fact that if he ate a few bananas before bedtime, he would have incredibly surreal dreams. In the morning, he would try and write down everything he remembered. Those banana-dreams you now have before you. So, as you slosh your way through this swampy jumble of words, if you find yourself saying, "What the hell was he smoking when he wrote that one?" The answer is, bananas....
This book consists of short stories, ramblings and incoherent mumblings that are the result of numerous potassium overdoses experienced by the author,...
Author Vincent Yanez never planned on working more than a couple of jobs in his life. Unfortunately, he was born with a short attention span and an inability to stay anywhere that annoyed him. The result is iQuit: The Book of Job(s), a snarky look at one man's refusal to put up with anything he found aggravating, disgusting or downright horrifying.
Author Vincent Yanez never planned on working more than a couple of jobs in his life. Unfortunately, he was born with a short attention span and an in...