Succeeding with your customers and associates requires great discipline. In his new book, Darryl Rosen will help you "survive the middle miles!" The inevitable part of any business endeavor where the excitement of the start has faded and you can't yet imagine the taste of the finish line. "This is where the real race begins!" Articulate a customer focused vision. Encourage feedback from your customers and associates. Hire, motivate and retrain the best people. Be gracious in the face of adversity. Avoid the curse of complacency. Build long term customer relationships, one at a time. plus much...
Succeeding with your customers and associates requires great discipline. In his new book, Darryl Rosen will help you "survive the middle miles!" The i...
"Who Killed English Football?" is the product of personal research born out of a mixture of curiosity and frustration. This book was prompted by the inexorable decline of English football performance at European and World Cup events. Analysing the causes of such deterioration, simple but worrying truths are unearthed and laid bare. Club vs Country rivalry, a surfeit of money, a chimaera-like governance, "embedded" media and a foreign player invasion are all contributors to the slow death of the "beautiful game." There might be a glimmer of hope ... provided reality is acknowledged and...
"Who Killed English Football?" is the product of personal research born out of a mixture of curiosity and frustration. This book was prompted by the i...
Welcome to the start of what I'm sure will be a successful journey eliminating the mistakes that smart managers don't make. Is this book for you? I think so. Do you manage employees, associates, sales professionals or anyone else on a regular basis? Do you rely on others to pay your bills - to put food on the table? And now the tough question: Do you make the occasional mistake as you navigate the treacherous waters of management? Then this book is for you I am delighted to share my lessons from running a successful business and my recent interactions with so many intelligent,...
Welcome to the start of what I'm sure will be a successful journey eliminating the mistakes that smart managers don't make. Is this book for you? I th...
You'll love this book about success and achievement; a book about outrunning ordinary and achieving extraordinary. It's a book for those who want to change a few habits, as well as those who want to change the world. In these pages, I'll share not only my stories, but also the stories of many remarkable people. In some cases, you'll be introduced to ordinary individuals who have achieved extraordinary goals (like my friend who is passionate about bringing fresh drinking water to third-world countries). In other cases, you'll meet people who excel in their areas of expertise but have faced and...
You'll love this book about success and achievement; a book about outrunning ordinary and achieving extraordinary. It's a book for those who want to c...
Through my twenty-five years of management and leadership experience, I've learned that if you treat your team members well, they will work harder for you. They will expend more discretionary effort. They'll go above and beyond the minimum required, and throw their own passion and enthusiasm into your company. Fueling a change in the entire culture of your company is no easy task. That level of employee commitment won't just happen on its own, no matter how much you want it to. Luckily, small changes in your way of doing business can have a major impact on your team's performance. So that's...
Through my twenty-five years of management and leadership experience, I've learned that if you treat your team members well, they will work harder for...