Exploring the New Testament is a result of Frederick Osborn's many years of hands on experience of teaching the Bible on the mission fields of South Asia. This book is part of a Bible survey that has been taught to pastors, evangelists, and lay leaders who have little or no study materials in their indigenous language. Each lesson is introduced with a picture that is used as a visual aid to help the student understand and remember the basic concepts of the books of the New Testament. This survey is divided into 20 lessons (the Introduction plus 19 Lessons covering all 27 books of the New...
Exploring the New Testament is a result of Frederick Osborn's many years of hands on experience of teaching the Bible on the mission fields of South A...
The book of Judges is more than ancient history; it can also speak prophetically to the 21st century church - and to America in particular. When read as prophecy (that is as a directive word from God for His people to follow here and now), the book of Judges becomes a cry to the church to remember their divine calling to be a holy people, separated unto God with a mission to fulfill in this world. The prophetic reading of Judges will at once convict (John 16:8-11) modern-day Christians to "test and see" if they are in the will of God. Judges was written to provoke all those who call upon the...
The book of Judges is more than ancient history; it can also speak prophetically to the 21st century church - and to America in particular. When read ...
Jesus Over India: A 52-Week Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of India is a perfect prayer and study guide for those who have a calling for World Missions. Drawing from his many years of experience on the mission fields of South Asia, the author has created a platform for prayer warriors, senders, and for those who may be sensing a call to one of the many harvest fields of India. This book is intended (1) to inform Christians who may know little or nothing of the wonder and complexities of 21st Century India; (2) to hopefully inspire others with a heart for missions to consider India as a...
Jesus Over India: A 52-Week Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of India is a perfect prayer and study guide for those who have a calling for World Mi...
"The New Apostolic Reformation is not a cult" insist its leaders. Those who affiliate with it believe the Apostles' Creed and all the standard classic statements of Christian doctrine. However what the NAR does represent says one of its most respected leaders, C. Peter Wagner, Ph.D. is "the most radical change in the way of doing church since the Protestant Reformation." Drawing from his many years of experience as a full-time missionary on the mission fields of Asia, and thousands of hours of study, Bible teaching, leadership and discipleship training in villages and urban centers he has...
"The New Apostolic Reformation is not a cult" insist its leaders. Those who affiliate with it believe the Apostles' Creed and all the standard classic...
Kingdom Discipleship The way of Kingdom Discipleship is not one of several options for Christians to choose from. There is no other offer being made. Jesus made it clear to all who want to follow Him that they must follow Him on HIS terms alone or they will never make it until the end. Being a disciple of Jesus is the ONLY way to become all that we are intended to be. We who were saved from the world are on the way to becoming fully formed into god's image; and Kingdom Discipleship is the means to that end. Kingdom Discipleship is what Jesus taught His disciples. It is the way to the life of...
Kingdom Discipleship The way of Kingdom Discipleship is not one of several options for Christians to choose from. There is no other offer being made. ...
THE SPIRIT OF RELIGION "I'm not religious. I just love the Lord." It is a popular bumper sticker proudly displayed for all to see. But there was a time when being called "religious" was a compliment and not an insult. When and how did it happen that "religion" became an uncomplimentary word? Is it true that all religious people are hurtful, sanctimonious legalists that cannot tolerate anyone who is not like them? Should we gather up our whips made of cords and join those who want to drive all of these intolerant legalists out of our meetings and churches? There are those who say religious...
THE SPIRIT OF RELIGION "I'm not religious. I just love the Lord." It is a popular bumper sticker proudly displayed for all to see. But there was a tim...
From Genesis to Revelation: Interpreting the book of Revelation through the Old Testament Scriptures The roots of Revelation are sunk deep into the Old Testament Scriptures so interpreting the book of Revelation through the lens of the Old Testament Scriptures is nothing new, but it is unique for modern interpreters of John's Apocalypse to explore in great detail the connection between John's Apocalypse and the books of the Old Testament. A fact that is often overlooked by the modern reader of Revelation is how much John's vision depends upon the Old Testament for its context - especially the...
From Genesis to Revelation: Interpreting the book of Revelation through the Old Testament Scriptures The roots of Revelation are sunk deep into the Ol...