A pioneer in the tradition of English women's fiction, Charlotte Lennox was valued friend to both Samuel Richardson and Samuel Johnson and a major influence on Jane Austen. The heroine of Charlotte Lennox's Henrietta is a young Englishwoman who resists her aunt's pressure to convert to Catholicism and is set adrift in London society. But unlike many of her passive, vulnerable contemporaries in fiction, the admirable Henrietta makes her way in the world relying on her own cleverness, conviction, and wit. This groundbreaking work of satire and human folly is republished here in a fully...
A pioneer in the tradition of English women's fiction, Charlotte Lennox was valued friend to both Samuel Richardson and Samuel Johnson and a major ...
Masters of the Marketplace is the first book to address the importance of the 1750s in literary history and to consider the active role that women novelists played in the formation of the novel. It highlights how women novelists of the 1750s controlled their literary circumstances. These authors were particularly agile at responding to the changing literary marketplace, the emergent domestic ideal, varied reader responses, shifting notions of genre, and new developments in epistemology. Reading these essays side by side brings to light the fact that women novelists of the 1750s engaged in a...
Masters of the Marketplace is the first book to address the importance of the 1750s in literary history and to consider the active role that women nov...