"Memoir of a Hooker" is a story of pleasure and pain, where lost ideals leave voids with moments of ephemeral fixes. It's a story of brutality, where the psyche is the victim and the mores of society the instrument of a besieging consequence; sparing some while impinging others with its stinging barbs of inequality, buried so shallow beneath the consciousness of life's outer shell a truth lay upon the ground shaken from the tree of life like fresh fruit fallen from its branches. Through the life of a young man, who is weak in the area of passionate restraint, we witness his pursuit of...
"Memoir of a Hooker" is a story of pleasure and pain, where lost ideals leave voids with moments of ephemeral fixes. It's a story of brutality, where ...
The following preview will serve to illustrate where my story is heading. My story, "Beyond The Curtain: A Story of Illusion" begins in London due to its connection to The Bank of England. While the threat may be world-wide we shall simply concentrate on the U. S. arena. While my story is fictionalized, it is based on many scholarly reports and the investigations that serve to show the pervasiveness of corruption in the monetary sytem and how debt serves its masters while impoverishing the many. You may learn some startling facts along the way. The following information appears in the...
The following preview will serve to illustrate where my story is heading. My story, "Beyond The Curtain: A Story of Illusion" begins in London due to ...